How to Land Your First Work-at-Home Job

Are you tired of looking for a work-at-home job with no success? Get ready to up your game!

Are you tired of looking for a work-at-home job and ready to finally start working?

It’s frustrating. You’ve been thinking about working from home for a long time. Maybe you’ve even been applying to a lot of jobs, but nothing has worked out yet.

You hear about the scams, the rip-offs, and the companies that charge a bunch of money up front. Sometimes it seems like that’s the only thing you hear about.

But you know there are some legitimate opportunities somewhere, because there are people who’ve been successful finding great work at home. You’ve read their blog posts, you’ve talked to them online, and you might even know some in person. But where do they find those jobs? Why are they getting offers and you're not?

Landing your first work-at-home job doesn't always come as easy as it seems. Sure. You can easily find a hundred lists of companies to apply to. And you do. But, all too often, that's where many of my readers tell me they get stuck.

Does this sound like you?

  • You're scared of scams.
  • You don't know what jobs are a good fit for you.
  • You don't feel qualified enough to apply.
  • You don't know how to address employment gaps on your resume.
  • Or, maybe you do apply and...

No interview invites are coming. No job offers are arriving. What the heck?!?

All too often it's the little things hanging up your application. It could be as simple as using the wrong words in your resume. Maybe you haven't taken the time to construct an appealing resume. Perhaps you are hitting up the same job leads pages and blogs that everyone else is using only increasing your competition. It could be your lack of confidence is holding you back.

"I can tell you from personal experience that the tips she shares in this course are spot-on. Don’t start applying before you read these tips and follow them. I have not even bothered to look at someone’s resume because they made one of these simple errors. Also, there are some fantastic tips for the art of the cold pitch.

"If you are serious about getting a work-at-home job, I cannot recommend this course highly enough. It gives you all of the information, tools, and advice you need to go from dreaming about working from home, to actually landing your first real work-at-home job!"

~Crystal Paine,

Who am I to teach you this stuff?

I started working from home in 2007. I was miserable at my day job. I had to find a way out. My husband and I decided working from home might be the best fit for me. (I wanted to be more in control of my schedule as he was working over the road with an erratic schedule at that time. I'm also not one for "office drama" if you know what I mean.)

If you are wondering if I could relate to what you are going through, absolutely. I didn't start out as a blogger like many of those telling people how to make money from home today. I started out working honest-to-goodness at-home jobs. It wasn't until later that I became a virtual assistant and even later that I started blogging.

I went through the same struggles as you. In many cases, I didn't receive responses. I often got rejected. (I still have those emails saying, "sorry, we don't hire in your state," and "Unfortunately, we do not currently have any positions that fit your availability. We will keep your information on file.") But then one day, things turned around. I had so many offers coming in that I could cherry-pick the ones I would accept!

I tell you this to reassure you I have been there. I know what it feels like to research and search and read and apply and then get up and do it all again the next day. I know what it feels like to receive a "no thanks" response to a job you knew you were perfect for. I know what it feels like to wait and wait. I also know what it feels like to finally get accepted. To finally get that first paycheck. To finally prove all of those people who said working from home wasn't legit WRONG.

Those times are coming for you, too. But it won't happen if you give up.

How to Land Your Perfect Work-at-Home Job will help you:

  • Effectively find the right jobs for your experience and background
  • Craft a resume that's appealing to employers and you can be confident sending
  • Learn a few secret tips to get your application past the computer scanning software and onto a real person (that's right! Your application may not ever be seen by an actual person because of automated screening software.)

As you move through the course, you will:

  • Feel more confident and in control of your job search.
  • Learn how to find your own leads and stop relying on the same sources to find jobs as everyone else.
  • Learn a few simple tweaks that may make a big difference to your application.
  • Be provided worksheets to help you become more confident and focused in your job search
  • Find out where to turn if you don't possess a job requirement like prior work-at-home experience or a certain skill set.

"I just completed your course on how to land your first work-at-home job, and I wanted to send a quick email to say thank you for the incredible amount of support and information you're providing for those of us who badly need to get out of the cubicle. Some days it's still hard to believe it can actually happen, but seeing a site like yours with all the resources you've brought together, it makes a huge difference—feeling like I'm not stumbling around in the dark!"

~Jesse W.

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"Dear Angie, thank you so very much!! I applied, and now I start training this Friday. I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you,"

~ Elizabeth W


Now includes the "Not Getting Hired" Help List! This checklist will help you identify and fix some of the most common mistakes applicants make during the online hiring process.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
You will have access to the course as long as it's available.

Get started now!

How to Land Your First Work-at-Home Job will empower, enable, and inspire you to finally make your work-from-home dreams start coming true. From finding legit job leads to creating a compelling application and resume, How to Land Your First Work-at-Home Job is the must-have information you’ve been waiting for.

Ultimately it's up to you. How valuable is an at-home job to you? How much time do you have to wait?